Monday, February 11, 2008

Chapter 5 Do More Shared Writing

p. 83 "When teachers add shared writing to their daily reading/writing program, students' enjoyment, confidence, and competence in reading and writing increase and their language skills grow."

I've seen this happening in my own room with my kids as we work through this book. I'm enjoying teaching writing more!

p. 90 "Write on a large, lined chart paper. "

I have always used the white board in the classroom with my own writing. Of course, later, it's gone and we therefore we don't have opportunity to revisit my writing and show the kids how to make it better. On next years supply order, I ordered two large, lined chart paper.


Tammy Gilley said...

Jera, I always thought shared writing was just for the primary grades. I found out we should continue this with upper grade students too. I going to give them more thought in the future.

Carol Richerson said...


I like the idea of the shared writing on large chart paper. I always write it on a yellow pad and then read it back to my students. I definitely can see the advantage of the students seeing the story as it is being written.