Sunday, February 10, 2008

Chapter 4 Raise Your Expectations

p. 58 What Makes Our Writing Interesting
What Does It Mean to Write More/Tell More

I love these two idea posters. I used each of these as a mini lesson for my kids and gave them a copy of the checklist for their writing. They've already had them out using them in the last week.

P 59 "...explain your writing..."

The easiest tool for my kids has been the Literacy Expanding Tool. Have you heard about it? It's seven beads on a rope each one representing a part of descriptive writing. Green: what group is it a part of, blue: what does it do, white with an eyeball: what does it look like, pink: what parts make it up, brown: what is it made of, white: where would it be found, and orange: what else do you know about it. My parent aide made mini versions for the kids out of those ironing beads on a rope. Now not only do I have the large one in the front of the room but they have one of their own in their writing kit.

P 82 "What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail."

What a profound thought.


Tammy Gilley said...

The Literacy Expanding Tool? No, I've never heard of it. Bring it to our class and show it to us and how it works. I love knew ideas.

Mrs. Gary said...

How is the literacy tool working for you Jera? What are some of the topics your guys have used it for? Also, ordering chart paper, a great idea! I used it on a daily basis when I taught 1st grade. It worked great for me because I need those big lines. Ha Ha